Sunday, November 28, 2010

Light Painting on The Greenway

Last night in Charlotte it was cold, in the 30s, but Nick Chin and I decided to do a little light painting anyway.  Nick brought along his fiancee, Christine for this shoot.  We did some classic stuff, a few portraits and of course a wool spin... or two.  We were cold, but we had a lot of fun.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giant Head

Yesterday while running errands in Charlotte, I realized that I was very close to the Giant Head in the White Hall area and decided to stop.  I had been wanting to take some pictures of it just before sunset and yesterday was my lucky day.  This is such an awesome piece of public art.  It should really be in a more public place where more people can enjoy it.  The sections rotate and sometimes water comes out of its mouth.  If you are ever in the area, stop by it is worth the trip.