Last week while in Cary, NC, I had a fantastic opportunity to photograph Dakota and Bonnie of Aradia Fitness. These ladies are so strong and graceful. They truly defy gravity.
After accomplishing all the shots I had planned for, I offered the opportunity to try some light painting. For those of you not familiar with this it is creating an image in total darkness by creatively using light to paint your subject in one single long exposure.
In order to light paint them, they had to hold their poses for several seconds while I created the image. I was so surprised at their enthusiasm and willingness to attempt this. The results were, WOW. They have incredible control over their bodies. I have included the exposure times so you can appreciate how long they had to hold these poses. Remember these times were just for the exposure. They had an additional 5 - 10 seconds just getting into the pose before I could start to light paint them.
24 Seconds |
22 seconds |
27 seconds |
2 poses in 47 seconds |
33 seconds |
32 seconds |
Here is a slideshow of my best images from the session. Enjoy!
The LP shots are extremely impressive!